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  • Writer's pictureLiv Atterson


Burnouts (noun) physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress


I think every writer goes through burnouts. Some happen more frequently then others and on different topics or subjects that you are writing about. I fear, that I, myself, am going through a burnout or am at least quickly approaching one.

Normally, I love writing, I could write all day if I did not have other commitments preventing me from doing so. Even when it comes to papers or essays for class I can find something about it that makes me excited to write. But I think that I have been writing so much for class lately and reading and reviewing that it is taking a toll on my creativity and even on my academic work. I am suppose to be working on my final essay for my American Literature course that is due Wednesday, and so far I only have a rough outline and the first two paragraphs of six wrote. I don't even have the desire to learn anymore and going to class is exhausting. At the beginning of the year, when classes were in the fall I was so excited to head to class and too much of a nerd for my own good. Now I am struggling to get out bed and trug my way to class to only find myself locked up in the library for the rest of the day.

My brain is making me wonder if I really do want to get my bachelors in literature when I have yet to even complete my general studies degree.

I know the answer is "yes" but I am so exhausted that it feels like a "no". I keep trying to remind myself that all I have to do is finish this semester and then this coming fall semester then I am graduating and after graduation I have about six months off before I start classes at the college I am planning on transferring to.

I suppose we will see in a few months were I am at and hopefully with a renewed passion for learning and love for writing.

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