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  • Writer's pictureLiv Atterson

I’m trying

I am graduating soon with my General Studies Degree and then I can start focusing on getting my Bachelors in Literature. I am going to transfer to Indiana State University and once I have completed that go to IUPUI to get my Masters in Literature and work as a Teaching Assistant within the Literature department...hopefully. I told my aunt that I wanted to be a teacher on day, and she laughed. Education is very important to her, so I thought she would be supportive of me wanting to pass on my love of books and education to others but that was not the case. My sister did that same thing, too. My sister found out that I did not do great in my communications course and then proceeded to state how idiotic it is that I want to be a teacher/professor but I don't like communication. My aunt laughed because of my size, I am a very tiny human and saying that the only people I could teach and hold any "authority" over would be preschoolers.

I just didn't really understand how my height plays a factor in my ability to teach others, but apparently it does in her mind.

I am also trying to save up to get my own place, which is a slow process because I am currently only working one shift a a week because I am an independent contractor with the company Big Orange Productions. But, I do make $110 a shift for this round of events that I am doing, so it is not completely horrible. By the end of these events that I am doing for this month, I will have made a total of almost $500 which is good for my job that is just me standing around awkwardly trying to convince people to take free things for seven hours.

I have no idea how to end this post, so I am just going to end it here and hopefully update later this week. We will see.

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